Did you know that BWRT can help you to stop smoking?
BrainWorking Recursive Therapy (BWRT) is becoming renowned as a cure for anxieties and phobias. But it’s a versatile therapy with many uses. BWRT is a very effective way to stop smoking.
The person in my case study had smoked for about 25 years. She was quite unusual in that she had started smoking quite late, in her twenties.
Most of us start smoking as teenagers. It is nearly always to do with peer pressure or wanting to fit in with a particular group of people.
My client had gone through this experience slightly later than others. She was in one of her first jobs and she was keen to make an impression in the film industry.
Something that’s clear about the smoking habit is that the reasons for starting it have long vanished. It might have been a good idea once, but now, years later, you are stuck with a habit you no longer need.
When I saw my client we spent some time discovering what role smoking had been playing in her life. And uncovering her main reason for wanting to stop. We need a powerful reason because it’s this that will carry you through. For many people their health is the powerful motivator.
BWRT is a dynamic therapy that uses your own thoughts and ideas in the therapy, rather than those suggested by someone else.
I have helped many people to stop smoking using hypnotherapy but it’s possible that BWRT works even better. It helps to super-charge your motivation to ensure you get the best possible result.
My smoking client knew very well what she wanted to be doing instead of smoking. She saw herself spending more time getting fit and healthy, doing yoga, going for long walks out in nature.
The great thing about stopping is that the health benefits start straight away. The bad effects that smoking has on your body start to reverse themselves immediately, even before we’ve finished our session!
After a few months of not smoking the usual feeling is an amazing sense of pride, at what you’ve achieved, as well as feeling all the benefits of increased health and energy.
If you’d like to find out more about stopping smoking with BWRT why not book in for a free consultation now?